What to do if...


The Tree of Life


Fila Surface Care Solutions, sponsor of the Consorzio Orgoglio Brescia, which curated the installation, is responsible for another prestigious contribution to this symbol of the Expo in Milan: the Tree of Life. Fila, along with material suppliers (partners F.lli Moncini and Porfido F.lli Pedretti Spa), worked to provide protective treatment with eco-friendly products for the 550 m² surface. Before the stone was grouted, the material was cleaned and pre-treated with PRW200 Water Based Grout Release for absorbent surfaces, safeguarding the stone from the dirt produced during installation without altering grout adhesion and making cleaning considerably easier. After installation, the surface was washed with DETERDEK  PRO Grout Haze Remover (diluted 1:10) to remove encrusted residue: mortar, limescale, concrete, grout and construction dirt in general. This cleaning restored both kinds of stone to their original beauty. To protect the material, MP90 ECO XTREME  Natural Look Sealer was then applied, ideal for all natural stone with any kind of finish. Its water based formula drastically reduced application time by 80% compared to treatments with solvent-based solutions, an essential factor in a building scenario like Expo.

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