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what's it for

  • Rinnova, ravviva e protegge mobili, pavimenti, porte, balconi, gazebo...


  • Impregna il legno senza sigillarlo.
  • Non rende il legno untuoso.
  • Uniforma l’assorbimento e ravviva la colorazione naturale.
  • Pronto all’uso e facilissimo da applicare.
  • A base di resine naturali e oli vegetali (olio di teak, tung).

ideal for

  • WOOD

Method of use

No dilution required: ready to use.

Agitare prima dell’uso. Se necessario togliere vecchi strati di vernice carteggiando bene.Su superficie asciutta e pulita stendere ECOWOOD puro con un pennello in modo uniforme, entro 20 min togliere l’eventuale residuo massaggiando la superficie con uno straccio. Dopo 30 minuti stendere una seconda mano di prodotto.La superficie è utilizzabile dopo un’ora dall’ultima applicazione. Per materiali molto assorbenti, stendere una terza mano seguendo le stesse modalità.

Please note

Carry out a patch test on a small surface area to check for any changes in colour. Do not apply the product externally if rain is forecast. Non accumulare gli stracci utilizzati e smaltirli previa bagnatura con acqua.


With one litre:
  • 20 m2“Le rese sono indicative e si intendono per mano“


About us

Excellent product! It just took one spray to get rid of a patch of mould on the wall, without leaving a trace. The bathroom’s as good as new. Highly recommended!
Lucia Vitali
Easy to apply, excellent self-polishing power and good end results. I’ve still got to test how it lasts over time.
Sandro Giuliani
Excellent, like all Fila products. It removes algae even without rinsing or wiping with a cloth.
Recommended by a tiler who’s a friend of mine. I wouldn’t swap it for any other product, even if it seems expensive at first glance (you really need very little, so it lasts a very long time). It doesn’t leave smears and above all it isn’t sticky like other floor cleaners. I’ve used it for a long time and I recommend it. The other Fila products are unique as well!
Fila products always live up to expectations. I used it on an unpolished Serizzo marble surface that had absorbed months and months of dirt.
Fila products are always very high quality.
You can always be sure with FILA products

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