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FILA Stands Behind Women in the Fight Against Breast Cancer
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FILA Stands Behind Women in the Fight Against Breast Cancer


“Prevention is Life” and even more so when it comes to breast cancer. Prevention means intervening in the initial stages of the disease when the chances of positive treatment results and recovery are the highest. Breast cancer screening involves two types of testing: mammograms and ultrasounds.

Never has the phrase “Prevention is Life” been so important, because 87% of women diagnosed with breast cancer survive due to preventive diagnosis.

For the second year in a row, as a testament to the company’s sensibility towards personal health and wellbeing, FILA is the main partner of the “Free Breast Mammogram and Ultrasound” initiative.

The event involves bringing a radiology examination room on wheels to San Martino di Lupari (Padua, Italy) equipped to perform free diagnostic testing to women aged 35 and 49. 

On December 10, 2021, the medical team was present in the company headquarters during the entire workday to offer all FILA female employees and collaborators the precious opportunity to check their current health status free of charge, a critical part of personal care.

Health and prevention are at the core of our company’s wealth, and we believe in doing everything we can to defend them. In fact, “Because We Care” is one of the values inscribed in FILA’s DNA.

Caring for people and the environment is a value shared and perpetuated through concrete initiatives such as “Prevention is Life”.

Since the very beginning, we have believed in the importance of living in a healthy environment, that’s why we offer safe, eco-compatible, innovative solutions for the care and treatment of all surfaces. We believe that the spaces we inhabit in our everyday lives should reflect our lifestyle, spaces to love and care for. 

This initiative is an additional testament that underscores the importance that FILA gives to the health of its employees and collaborators, also expressed when the company organized mindfulness sessions during the 2020 lockdown, and when extended Covid-19 health insurance coverage was given to all employees.

FILA is a company with a strong female presence and with “Prevention is Life” we intend to preserve the health of all women, mothers, sisters and daughters that are part of FILA’s human capital.

“Prevention is Life” is also a way to enrich the territory through concrete action that embodies ethical and human values. On the 10th of December 2021, all FILA women received free breast cancer screening and shared in this important moment with peace and serenity.

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