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Scale (stains and encrustations)

Natural stone

calcare-marmo-pietraA marble top in the bathroom or natural stone shower cabinet are constantly sprayed with water, which leaves water marks (scale). Cleaning is essential to keeping the stone surfaces glossy and ensuring bathroom hygiene.


Removing scale from marble and natural stone

Natural stones are not all equal; some are delicate and sensitive to acid, like marble and chalky stones, while others are more resistant, like granite, porphyry and basalt, and are not affected by acid based detergents. Before you choose your cleaning products, you must therefore know the material you want to clean.

•    For unpolished, acid-resistant stone, you can use DETERDEK PRO acid detergent to remove scale encrustations and stains.
•    For sensitive materials, like marble, travertine and polished agglomerate, we recommend using CLEANER PRO neutral detergent.

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