What to do if...


Palazzo della Ragione


More than ten years later, Fila decided to repeat its gift to the municipality of Padua with treatment to the 2200 m² of cocciopesto crushed tile floor in Palazzo della Ragione. After Fila intervened in 2004, the floor in the Palazzo had always been maintained with surface washing and waxing. It was ready for a thorough restoration. The surface had blackened and was covered with marks left by adhesive tape (following the many exhibitions and events held in the hall) and different-sized pieces required reattaching and plastering. The team of treatment specialists from Euganea Trattamenti, headed by our Master Treatment Specialist Roberto Rossetto, first cleaned the entire floor with PS87 PRO Heavy Duty Cleaner to remove grease and wax from the surface. The most badly damaged areas were then replastered. Restoration work continued with the application of NATURWAX paste wax to give the floor even more nourishment. Finally SATIN Satin Finish Protective Wax was applied, making the surface even more resistant to foot traffic.

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