FILA PROJECT DIVISION includes all contact and development activities for long term relationships with technical counterparts and decision makers in the international building industry. The Division works to set up contracts for the provision of on-site technical assistance together with the use of FILA brand products and solutions.
The long-term divisional Target lies in the consolidation of relationships and development of business through the network of industry professionals:
- Surveyors
- Architects
- Decision makers
- Contractors
- Builders
- Engineers
- On-site operators
- Project Designers
The activities included in the business of the FILA PROJECT DIVISION are:
- Provision of consulting and technical checks on site.
- Development of specific solutions and products with the support of the Product Manager and the FILA R&D Department.
- Support for all professional technical contacts in choosing the right FILA products for the laying, application of treatments and maintenance of floors, walls and surfaces in general.
- Preparation of data sheets and technical specifications for FILA brand products.
- Attainment of accreditation for FILA products in the international building industry.
- Coordination of on-site technical activity and the completion of work in accordance with established FILA quality standards, ensuring timely finishing with the support of teams of Professional Installers.
- Provision of technical assistance for FILA brand products.
- Provision of technical training courses for Professional Installers (FILA ACADEMY).
- Active participation in CPD programmes internationally.