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Happy 80th Birthday FILA! From the 1940s to today, an all-Italian story
Institutional News

Happy 80th Birthday FILA! From the 1940s to today, an all-Italian story


80 years have passed since brothers Guido and Pietro Pettenon founded FILA, an acronym for Fabbrica Italiana di Lucidi e Affini, for the production and commercialisation of polishes for footwear, waxes and domestic detergents in San Martino di Lupari (Pd).

Since then, in years that have seen small and large changes occurring at an ever-increasing pace, transforming society, the economy, communications and relations between peoples, FILA has also evolved into a leading company in its sector at an international level. 

The important turning point came in the 1970s with the creation of professional products for surface protection, starting from the real need of terracotta manufacturers. Already a pioneering company at that time, FILA also published its first press campaign, choosing a magazine such as Casa Vogue!

This year FILA celebrates 80 years since its foundation, a fundamental moment to celebrate the past years and the goals achieved.
"The 80th anniversary of the foundation," declares President Beniamino Pettenon, "is a moment of celebration and a moment to reflect on the difficulties overcome over the years, on the successes achieved with a group of valuable people and personally also with my wife Anna who has always been at my side even in work. With commitment and enthusiasm we continue on a path of innovation and development".  

FILA today, thanks to the new and sophisticated Innovation Centre, where R&D and the Technical Department are in daily contact with the best international university and research centres, continues to develop innovative products both in terms of performance and in terms of sustainability and lower environmental impact.


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